We are an educational and social society made up of O&G doctors from across the west of Scotland.
The Society meets on a monthly basis between October and May. The current session has recently ended and was recorded as GOGS’ 199th.
Each year there will be a joint meeting with the West of Scotland Obstetric Anaesthetists, a trainee evening and a combined meeting with the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society.
The trainee evening is an excellent opportunity for trainees to present their work to an expert audience in both oral and poster format. This meeting normally takes place in March, although in 2020 it was postponed to June as a result of COVID disruption. There are prizes awarded for best oral and best poster presentation. The call for abstracts is usually advertised in December or January.
Meetings usually take place on a Wednesday evening with most meetings taking place in the New Lister Building on Alexandra Parade. There is a buffet dinner available from 6pm and members are encouraged to talk to the sponsors present. The formal presentation of the evening starts at 7pm.
It is unclear what impact COVID restrictions will have on the 200th session but details will be released in the autumn of 2020. It is possible that more meetings will be held virtually after the great sucess of the first virtual trainee night in June 2020.
The atmosphere at meetings is friendly and relaxed with interaction between attendees encouraged. It is a great way to meet colleagues from other hospitals and for trainees to engage with each other.